author Sean



  • Varicose veins: the main measures and methods for disease prevention. Causes and symptoms, stages of development, methods of treatment of varicose veins.
    26 November 2020
  • What is varicose veins and how to treat the disease at home: recipes for effective folk remedies for the treatment of pathologists. Useful advice from experts.
    1 October 2020
  • How it is used, saved Bee varicose veins, varicose veins honey for bees. Bee podmore. Honey compresses. Contraindications. It is possible to make sugar.
    10 December 2018
  • Who wouldn't want that beautiful and cut in a way? Of course, a few extra pounds can make to reset or go to the gym, activities such as swimming or cycling.
    1 September 2018
  • Pain in the legs, unpleasant sensations, calf muscles, weight – all these symptoms pretty bad it's a disease.
    21 August 2018
  • Varicose venous blood vessels appears on different events in women because during pregnancy, including. For some reason it's broken veins normal blood circulation in the pelvic area begins to deform, stretch and зарубцовываться.
    3 August 2018